Friday HD Studios Приложения

Goku Fierce Infinite World 3
Friday HD Studios
Luckily, or perhaps sadly, fighting isn't alarge portion of Dragon Mission. This story mode has cutscenes thatset up the turning points of the series --Raditz showing up to kidnap Goku's son, for example -- but thentosses you into a fight or something that's completelynonsensical.After Gohan is kidnapped, Goku needs to run around the blocky,jaggy outdoor level grabbing checkpoint hexagons.If he gets them all before time runs out, Goku goes back to the mapscreen and can go re-watch the cutscenes or go to the newlyunlocked Raditz fight.Nonsensical, non-fighting levels such as this abound in InfiniteWorld. After defeating Raditz,Goku got to run along a snake in the sky collecting the hexagoncheckpoints -- that's all that level was; running along a set pathjumping up and grabbing stuff.When that was done, Goku ran around a level trying to grab abanana-hurling monkey named Bubbles, which I know happened in theanime, but is still lame in the game.You'll go to other story levels to be trained, and you'll have tocomplete a certain number of moves.That sounds OK, but the game never tells you how to do theserequired moves.When Goku's deployed to learn how to block, three fractions are putat the bottom of the screen to represent how many times you have todo each type of block in the allotted amount of time.Oddly, the game never tells you how to do these blocks or whichfraction is counting which type of block.You just have to leap around and try to figure out what the hellthe game wants.The map is as lame as it looks.Meant to be a mix of elements found in the "Budokai" and"Shin-Budokai" games, Goku Fierce Infinite World claims to be "thebest of the Budokai series" on the back of its box,but I doubt that seeing as how at least some of those games wereuniversally heralded as "fun" and Goku Fierce Infinite Worldisn't.You'll take your controller's buttons through the punches, kicks,Ki Blasts, and Ki Burns you'd expect and toss them into threedifferent gameplay modes.Dragon Mission serves as the game's story mode and takes youthrough some of the franchise's key moments,Dragon Duel is the versus mode where you can challenge Player 2 orthe computer, and the unlockable Fighter's Road presents you withmore than 100 combatants to unlock and take down across fourmaps.
Super Goku Raging Blast 2 2
Friday HD Studios
There's a comprehensive training mode inwhichGoku familiarizes Gohan with all of the techniques, and ittakessome time to progress through it all.You'll practice dash attacks, charge attacks, smash attacks,andnumerous other attacks, as well as defense maneuvers.It's quite a bit to take in, though unlike many fightinggames,there are no tricky inputs to memorize for any attackshere.Some actions require a precisely timed button press to pull off,butat most, you'll need to push a thumbstick in one direction andtap abutton to perform even the most powerful of attacks.You see, Super Goku Raging Blast 2 is less a brawler thanahistorical re-creation simulation.The aim of the game isn’t to master one character and proveprowessover all others, but to recall the plot of Bola de dragãoandensure the episodes play without deviation.So: Goku and Piccolo pair up against Raditz not because this isatag-team of strategic note, but because this is how it playedoutin the manga.Super Goku Raging Blast 2 has a wide variety of modes, themostinteresting of which is bola dragão z Collection.Here, you play through many story arcs from the series, such astheSaiyan Saga, the Frieza Saga, and the Androids Saga, as well asanumber of what-if scenarios.Those familiar with the lore will likely enjoy reliving someoftheir favorite moments here, but the unfamiliar will findthestorytelling so poor that they'll have a hard time making senseofwhat's happening, much less finding it interesting.There is some incentive to playing through these sagasbecauseyou'll unlock characters, special moves, and items that youcanequip to improve a fighter's attack power, defense, health orsomeother characteristic.The grand total of more than 70 characters seems impressiveatfirst, but that fades fast as you realize that they all feelprettymuch the same in action.